Anna Lieb
Mixed Race
Current Position
Computational Social Science Research Assistant, Pew Research Center
Data Science (with CS concentration) and Political Science
Graduating Year
A message from Anna
Make the most of the community around you! Your peers are an amazing resource for learning about different paths and professional experiences. Got internship rejection blues? Reach out to a friend who interned to ask what they learned! Want to learn more about research? Grab lunch with someone who worked on a project you're interested in! Other students are almost always excited to share their experiences.
A valuable skill
Code collaboration is a valuable skill that I use at my job almost every day. This includes using git + GitHub for version control and following best practices for package management and documentation. Although some courses touch on these topics, I really got comfortable with these skills from experience working on projects outside of class (such as research and internships).
Fun Fact
Two of my favorite orgs as a student were Fusion (mixed student organization) and run club!
Reach out to Anna