Elizabeth "Liz" Borecki




Previous Position

Client/Technical Analyst at Aladdin at BlackRock


Computer Science



Graduating Year


A message from Liz

Ask for help when you need it and even beforehand. My sophomore year and beyond, I occasionally struggled for health reasons to have enough energy to complete psets or absorb information in class. I had never experienced it before and I know if I hadn't reached out to my Dean, professors or in help room: I likely would not have graduated in time. I reached out in a couple classes to see if I could have a 1-on-1 tutor which I hope they still offer. Computer Science is hard and it is time intensive. Use your resources, ask for help, speak up! If you don't know how, I'd be happy to work with you to figure it out or share emails I sent to ask for help. I know the feeling of working 1-3 jobs on campus, helping run a club and then having so many psets I just didn't understand at first and maybe still didn't understand even when I became a grader. If you would like someone to talk to to figure out next steps or how to email professors or your Dean or check in with you or offer ideas, please reach out. You are not alone and you can do this.

Valuable skill they regularly use

Asking for help on a hard problem- practiced this skill in CS help room and study groups!

Hobbies and interests

Go Whiptails! My hobbies are learning about medicine for the self, chatting with people, watching movies, anything poetry, spending time with friends/family and procrastinating.

Reach out to Liz

Email: {email} LinkedIn: {linkedin}