Jabree Ellis
Current Position
High School Computer Science Teacher at Brooke High School (Boston)
Computer Science
Graduating Year
A message from Jabree
I work at a school of mostly black/Latino students in Mattapan, Boston, and I constantly have to re-iterate the “you can do this” message. For me, my faith in Christ is the driving force behind my belief that I (and the children around me) can actually be successful in the tech field. For instance, I am constantly encouraged by Bible verses like Philippians 4:13, which says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” I am also strengthened by the understanding that even making many mistakes, even getting a bad grade (even an F), doesn’t make a failure. As soon as I stop working toward success, that is when I have actually failed. Otherwise, I am still victorious!
Anything else you'd like to share?
I’m a born again believer in Christ, so I love to talk about anything/everything Christ related
Reach out to Jabree